Compare Building and Pest Inspection Costs in Melbourne




You’ve finally found your dream home in Melbourne. Congratulations! But before you sign on the dotted line, you need to get a building and pest inspection. Choosing the right inspector for the job is crucial. You want someone thorough who won’t let any nasty surprises slip through the cracks. But you also don’t want to pay more than you have to. Building and pest inspection costs can really vary in Melbourne. So how do you find a reliable inspector at a reasonable price? This article compares the major building and pest inspection companies servicing Melbourne. You’ll discover what’s included in their inspections and what they typically charge. Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make the best choice for your new home and your wallet.

About This Price Comparison

We know how daunting it can be to research and compare building and pest inspection services, especially when buying a property. There are so many options to choose from, with varying prices and inclusions. To help make the process easier for you, we’ve done a deep dive of the top local providers servicing Melbourne to compare what they offer and how much they charge.

In this guide, we’ll break down exactly what’s included with each company’s standard pre-purchase building and pest inspection package, as well as list any additional services they provide and their associated fees. We’ll also give an overview of what building and pest inspections typically cover for those who are unfamiliar with the process. Our goal is to arm you with the information you need to choose an inspector that suits your needs and budget.

A standard building and pest inspection in Melbourne typically includes a thorough examination of the major structural elements of the property (like the roof, walls and floors), checking for any signs of damage, decay or structural issues. They will also inspect for the presence of any timber pests, like termites or borers, that could put the property at risk. Additional services like moisture detection, asbestos testing or thermal imaging will cost extra but can provide valuable insights into the property’s condition.

In the sections that follow, we’ve summarised the services, inclusions and pricing for six of the top building and pest inspection companies operating in Melbourne. We recommend getting quotes from a few to compare, but you can’t go wrong with any of the reputable companies on our list. They all employ fully licenced inspectors and offer reports tailored to meet the standards set by the Australian Property Institute.

Average Cost of Building and Pest Inspections

If you’re buying a property in Melbourne, building and pest inspections are a must to uncover any potential issues. But how much do these important checks usually set buyers back?

The average cost of a building inspection in Melbourne is between $300 to $700 for a standard 3-bedroom house. The final price will depend on the inspector you choose and how comprehensive you want the report to be. A more experienced inspector with advanced equipment will charge on the higher end of the range.

For pest inspections, you can expect to pay between $200 to $500. Again, the exact cost will depend on factors like the size and age of the property, if there are any visible signs of damage, and which pest control company you use. Some inspectors may charge extra for thermal imaging or moisture readings.

While inspections do represent an additional upfront cost in the buying process, they can save you from costly surprises down the track. It may be tempting to skip them to save money, but you could end up with expensive pest treatments, structural repairs, or even legal issues if serious problems are found after settlement.

When comparing inspectors, look for ones that are licenced, insured and have good reviews. Ask them about their experience, the equipment they use and exactly what’s included in their reports. For most buyers, booking professional building and pest inspections leads to greater peace of mind and helps ensure you don’t end up with a money pit.

Local Businesses and Their Prices

In Melbourne, there are several highly reputable building and pest inspection companies to choose from. Their prices can vary depending on the specifics of your property and the services included, but you can expect to pay between $350 to $700 for a standard pre-purchase building and pest inspection.

A few recommended local businesses are Jim’s Building Inspections, Melbourne Property Inspections and BuildingPro. Jim’s is one of the most well-known, with building inspection prices starting around $399. They are fully certified and insured, having performed over 150,000 building inspections since 1989. Melbourne Property Inspections is also a trusted name, with costs ranging from $350 to $450 depending on factors like property size and age.

BuildingPro is a bit more budget-friendly, with standard combined building and pest inspections from $370. They use the latest technology like thermal imaging cameras to thoroughly evaluate properties. For any of these companies, you’ll want to check what’s included in their inspection and get multiple quotes to compare. Basic services should cover a visual examination of the major structural elements, electrical and plumbing systems, the roof exterior and subfloor.

Some inspectors offer additional services for an extra fee, such as a pool safety certificate, asbestos testing or a strata report for units. It’s a good idea to choose a company that provides a detailed written report with photos within 24 to 48 hours of the inspection. That way you have a clear understanding of any major defects or repairs needed before purchasing the property.

While prices and services can vary, when buying a home in Melbourne, a professional building and pest inspection is well worth the investment. Comparing local options and getting recommendations from recent clients will help ensure you choose an inspector that provides great value for your budget.

Breakdown of Inspection Costs by Property Size

The cost of building and pest inspections in Melbourne can vary significantly depending on the size and type of property you want to buy. For a typical 3-bedroom house, you can expect to pay between $500 to $1,000 for a standard pre-purchase building and pest inspection report. The total cost will be on the higher end of that range for larger homes, especially if they are two stories.

Smaller Properties (1-2 bedrooms)

If you’re looking at a smaller unit, apartment or townhouse, the inspection fees are typically at the lower end of the range, from $300 to $700. The inspectors don’t have as large an area to cover, so they can do a thorough check of the property’s condition in less time. These smaller properties may be ideal if you’re on a budget but still want the peace of mind that comes with professional inspections before purchasing.

Larger Homes (4+ bedrooms)

For more spacious family homes with 4 bedrooms or more, especially two-story houses, inspection costs are usually $800 to $1,500 or higher. There are more rooms and features for the inspectors to evaluate, like multiple bathrooms, a garage or carport, decking, and a backyard. They will spend several hours doing a comprehensive check of the entire property to provide you with a detailed report on the home’s state of repair before you proceed to purchase.

While inspection fees can seem expensive, they are a necessary investment to avoid unexpected costs down the track. Professional building and pest inspectors have the experience and expertise to thoroughly check the property and identify any major structural, electrical or plumbing issues as well as signs of pest damage that may need repairs. Their reports can give you peace of mind about the property’s condition or help you negotiate with the seller to get problems fixed or lower the asking price.

Factors That Influence Inspection Costs

The cost of inspections in Melbourne can vary depending on several factors. The key ones to consider are:

Type of Inspection

The specific type of inspection you need will directly impact the price. A standard pre-purchase building inspection typically starts around $300 to $500. Pest inspections are usually $200 to $350. More comprehensive “building and pest” inspections, which cover both areas, range from $450 to $700. Specialised inspections for things like asbestos, wiring or plumbing will be on the higher end of the range or more.

Inspector and Company

Inspection fees can differ between inspectors and companies. Established inspectors and companies with lots of experience may charge slightly higher rates. Inspectors in high-demand, inner-city suburbs also often charge more due to higher overheads and living costs. When comparing quotes, check what’s included in the service to determine if you’re getting good value.

Property Type

The property type is another factor in determining inspection fees. Inspections on apartments, townhouses and units will typically cost less than those for detached houses, especially large or complex properties. Inspections that require accessing roofs, under floor areas or site drainage systems may incur additional charges due to the extra time required.

Additional Services

Some inspectors offer additional services for an extra fee, such as thermal imaging to detect insulation and water damage, asbestos testing, and building code compliance checks. The more additional services you require, the higher the total inspection cost will be. However, bundling multiple services with one inspector can sometimes provide savings versus arranging each service separately.

In summary, inspection costs in Melbourne can vary significantly based on the factors above. Comparing multiple inspectors and getting detailed quotes for your specific property and required services is the best way to determine a fair price and choose an inspector that suits your needs.

FAQs on Building and Pest Inspection Costs in Melbourne

You likely have a few questions about building and pest inspections in Melbourne. Here are some of the most common FAQs to help put you at ease.

How much do building and pest inspections cost?

Fees for building and pest inspections in Melbourne typically range from $300 to $1000, depending on the size and age of the property. More extensive inspections of larger properties will be at the higher end of the range. Most inspectors charge between $300 to $500 for a standard 3-bedroom house. Always ask about the inclusions to determine what’s covered in the quote.

Do I need a building and pest inspection?

In short, yes. Building and pest inspections should be non-negotiable when buying a property. They help identify any structural damage or pest issues that could cost thousands to repair. For the relatively small upfront fee, they provide invaluable peace of mind about the state of the property you’re buying.

How long do the inspections take?

The time required depends on the size of the property but usually takes 2 to 3 hours for a standard sized house. The inspector will do a thorough check of the interior and exterior of the building, as well as the yard for any signs of pest activity or damage. They need enough time to inspect the roof space, subfloor, etc. You will receive the written report with the findings within 24 hours after the inspection.

Will I need to be present for the inspections?

It is recommended that you attend the inspections, but it is not required. The inspector can conduct the inspections without you present. However, being there allows you to follow the inspector, ask any questions, and see firsthand any issues that are uncovered. You will also have a better understanding of what is included in the final written reports. If you cannot attend, request a verbal run-down of the findings from the inspector after they have completed the inspections.

What happens if issues are found?

If any major defects or pest damage are found, the inspector will note them in the reports. You can then re-negotiate the contract or ask the seller to complete repairs before settlement. For minor issues, you may want to get quotes to determine if you want to proceed with the necessary repairs yourself after purchasing. The choice is yours, but at least you will go in with open eyes.


So there you have it, a quick overview of the main building and pest inspection companies operating in Melbourne and what they typically charge. As you’ve seen, prices can vary quite a bit, but in general you’re looking at $250-500 for a standard building inspection and $200-350 for a basic pest inspection. Premier Property Inspections seems to offer a good balance of experience and competitive rates. But the main thing is checking what’s included – make sure the inspector will cover everything you want examined. And don’t just go with the cheapest option – experience and thoroughness matters when making such a major purchase. Trust your gut feeling and go with an inspector you feel comfortable with. Ultimately, that small extra cost is worth it for the peace of mind that your new property is structurally sound and pest free.

Local Businesses and Their Prices

Jim’s Building Inspections

Jim’s Building Inspections is a family-owned and operated business that has been serving Melbourne homebuyers for over 30 years. Jim and his team of certified inspectors provide comprehensive pre-purchase building inspections for $330. For an additional $165, they will also conduct a professional pest inspection to check for any signs of termite or other pest damage. Their inspectors are very thorough and take the time to explain their findings and recommendations in an easy to understand report.

Aussie Property Inspections

Aussie Property Inspections offers both building and pest inspections for $440 total. They use the latest tools and technology to thoroughly assess the condition of the property according to Australian standards. The company has a reputation for extremely detailed reports that provide peace of mind to buyers. Their inspectors can often spot subtle signs of structural or pest damage that others may miss. However, some buyers have noted their reports can be overly technical for a typical homebuyer to comprehend easily.

Melbourne Home Inspections

For a lower-cost option, Melbourne Home Inspections provides a standard pre-purchase building inspection for $280 and pest inspection for $165. They have been operating in Melbourne for over 15 years and have a large team of building and pest inspectors available seven days a week. Their reports provide an overview of the major aspects of the property but may lack some of the depth and detail of the more premium inspection services. However, for a straightforward property in good condition, Melbourne Home Inspections can be a very affordable choice.

In summary, building and pest inspection costs in Melbourne can range from $280 up to $440 or more for a very detailed analysis. As with many services, you get what you pay for. For most homebuyers, a mid-range option around $330 to $400 should provide a thorough enough assessment to gain peace of mind about the condition of your potential new property. Be sure to check reviews from recent clients to determine the best service for your needs and budget.



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