Pre-Purchase Building Inspection Costs on the Sunshine Coast

Pre-Purchase Building Inspection Costs on the Sunshine Coast

When it comes to buying property on the Sunshine Coast, getting a building inspection is a step you can’t afford to skip. At PropertyWiki, we know how important it is to understand the costs involved in these inspections, which is why we’ve conducted extensive research, chatting with over 25 local service providers to bring you the most accurate and up-to-date information on building inspection costs on the Sunshine Coast. Whether you’re eyeing a cozy unit, a spacious townhouse, or a beautiful house, we’ve got the details you need.

Average Costs on the Sunshine Coast

Building TypeBuilding InspectionPest InspectionCombined Building and Pest
Small House$320$250$545
Medium House$355$275$595
Large House$425$300$645

Learn about factors impacting building inspection costs. See prices around Queensland.

Building Inspection Costs


The cost of a building inspection for units and apartments on the Sunshine Coast varies primarily based on the number of bedrooms:

  • One-bedroom: Expect to pay between $220 and $280.
  • Two-bedroom: Inspection costs range from $280 to $350.
  • Three-bedroom: These larger units typically cost between $350 and $420 for a thorough inspection.


Townhouses, often featuring more complex layouts than apartments, also vary in inspection costs depending on size:

  • One-bedroom townhouse: Costs start around $250 and go up to $300.
  • Two-bedroom townhouse: Prepare to spend about $300 to $370.
  • Three-bedroom townhouse: Inspection costs range from $370 to $440.


Houses, with their larger sizes and often more intricate details, have the following cost range:

  • One-bedroom house: Inspection costs start from $270.
  • Two-bedroom house: Generally, costs are between $320 and $390.
  • Three-bedroom house: The costs can range from $390 to $460.

Pest Inspection Costs

Pest inspections are crucial for any property purchase on the Sunshine Coast, known for its lush landscapes that can also be inviting to pests:

  • Units/Apartments: The cost generally falls between $150 and $200.
  • Townhouses: These are slightly higher, usually ranging from $200 to $250.
  • Houses: Expect to pay between $250 and $300, depending on the size and garden area.

Combined Building and Pest Inspection Costs

Bundling services can often provide a bit of a discount, making combined inspections an attractive option:


  • One-bedroom: Around $350 to $400.
  • Two-bedroom: Typically, $400 to $450.
  • Three-bedroom: These can cost between $450 and $500.


  • One-bedroom townhouse: From $450 to $500.
  • Two-bedroom townhouse: Around $500 to $550.
  • Three-bedroom townhouse: Costs range from $550 to $600.


  • One-bedroom house: Typically between $520 and $570.
  • Two-bedroom house: $570 to $620.
  • Three-bedroom house: Expect to pay $620 to $670.

At PropertyWiki, we strive to ensure you have all the necessary information to make informed decisions about your property purchases. Our comprehensive research into the building inspection costs on the Sunshine Coast is just one way we keep you knowledgeable and prepared. Remember, investing in a quality building and pest inspection not only gives you peace of mind but also safeguards your future in your new home.


One response to “Pre-Purchase Building Inspection Costs on the Sunshine Coast”

  1. […] Click here to view our full breakdown of building inspection costs on the Sunshine Coast. […]

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